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A Bridge of Hope: A Journey of “Hatid Serbisyo para sa Katutubong Mangyan” in Sitio Bayang

A Bridge of Hope: A Journey of “Hatid Serbisyo para sa Katutubong Mangyan” in Sitio Bayang

With an estimated 500 Mangyan beneficiaries from Sitio Bayang and nearby communities, the “Hatid Serbisyo para sa Katutubo" extension service caravan provided a variety of essential services addressed immediate and long term needs of the Mangyan beneficiaries.
Admin    Jul. 08, 2024

The journey to Sitio Bayang in Barangay Lisap, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro, is not for the faint of heart. The "Hatid Serbisyo para sa Katutubo" extension service caravan which was initiated by the MinSU Extension Unit in collaboration with Pampamayanang Mangyan Ugnayan Inc. (PMUI), aims to bring essential government services to Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities catered by the STC4iD Project and PMUI. We traversed long, winding roads and crossed a dilapidated bridge that swayed with each step. The uncertainty of the journey weighed heavily on our minds, yet the anticipation of the smiles and hopes awaiting us in the remote Mangyan community propelled us forward.

Our day began before dawn on June 27, 2024, as volunteers and staff from Mindoro State University (MinSU) headed by Dr. Lourders V. Icalla, Director for Extension, with Nurse Marianne Garcia representing MinSU Health Unit, Accounting Head Ms. Ma. Cristina Siscar, Dr. Erwin Icalla and Dr. Pinky Carig as Project Leaders, PMUI led by Ms. Juvelyn Gumal-in, Executive Director, the National Commission for Indigenous People (NCIP) headed by Regional Director Dr. Marie Grace T. Pascua, American-Malaysian and Filipino volunteers, and various government agencies such as PhilHealth and Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) gathered. We loaded our vehicles with supplies—food packs, medicines, clothing, and sports equipment. The convoy set off, winding through narrow paths and rugged terrain, each kilometer bringing us closer to Sitio Bayang.

The journey was challenging. But the most daunting part was crossing the dilapidated bridge. Even Dr. Christian Anthony C. Agutaya, our OIC-University President crossed its weathered planks which creaked under our weight, and we held our breath with each step. The bridge was a metaphor for the uncertainties we faced—would we be able to make a real difference in the lives of the Mangyan community? Despite our apprehensions, the spirit of service and the hope of making a positive impact kept us moving.

A Warm Welcome

As we finally arrived in Sitio Bayang, the sight that greeted us was nothing short of heartwarming. The entire village had gathered, their faces lighting up with anticipation and excitement. Children ran to greet us, their laughter echoing through the air. The elders welcomed us with warm smiles and grateful hearts. In that moment, all the uncertainties of the journey melted away, replaced by the profound joy of being there.

A Day of Service and Connection

We set up our stations and began offering the various services planned for the day. There was a spiritual counseling session by the American-Malaysian volunteers led by Mr. and Ms. Greg Hood, providing comfort and support, while civil registration assistance from the PSA helped secure the identities and rights of the IPs. PhilHealth ensured that all Mangyans in the community would be provided with health insurance services, ensuring better access to healthcare for the community. There was also a booth for those who wanted to learn about proper tree planting and nursery establishment given by STC4iD staff.

Essential supplies, including food packs were donated by the LGU-Bongabong while MinSU Health Unit offered health consultation and distribution of medicines and vitamins. Children’s ministry activities filled the air with joy and laughter, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere in addition to the school supplies donated by the NCIP. The distribution of clothing and sports equipment sponsored by volunteers from Manila brought happiness to the residents.

These services brought sense of belonging and inclusivity among the more or less 500 Mangyan beneficiaries from Sitio Bayang and nearby communities.

Heartfelt Leadership and Gratitude

The activity was graced by the presence of Dr. Agutaya, who expressed immense gratitude to all the partners and volunteers who made the initiative possible.

“This activity aims to bring government services closer to our Mangyan brothers and meet their basic needs,” Dr. Agutaya remarked. Dr. Icalla, highlighted the university’s unwavering commitment to serving underserved communities, especially in far-flung areas, and fostering sustainable development in the community in collaboration with various partners.

PMUI Executive Director Gumal-in was also grateful for the collective efforts of various agencies and organizations in uplifting the Mangyan people, while NCIP MIMAROPA Regional Dr. Director Marie Grace T. Pascua praised the initiative as a model for future efforts aimed at enhancing IP’s welfare.

Carrying Hope Forward

As the sun set over Sitio Bayang, the community was left not only with tangible support but also with a renewed sense of hope and connection. The "Hatid Serbisyo para sa Katutubo" extension service caravan demonstrated the huge impact of unity and compassion, proving that even in the most remote and far-flung areas, the spirit of service can ignite lasting change. The residents of Sitio Bayang will carry the warmth of this day in their hearts, just as we will carry the memory of their smiles and gratitude in ours. This journey, though filled with uncertainties, has brought immense joy and reaffirmed our commitment to serve and uplift those in need.

The STC4iD Program is a three-year initiative funded by DOST-PCAARRD for research, development, and extension (RDE) activities to support disadvantaged communities across the country, addressing both social and financial aspects of life.


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