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Shaping MinSU's Future: MinSU presidential aspirants present plans for MinSU

Shaping MinSU's Future: MinSU presidential aspirants present plans for MinSU

Five presidential aspirants for MinSU presidency, namely, Dr. Enya Marie D. Apostol, Dr. Zandra N. Maningas, Dr. Katherine P. Sanchez-Escalona, Dr. Rene M. Colocar and Dr. Nemesio H. Davalos present their vision for MinSU during the Public Presentation and Forum for Search for MinSU Presidency, May 29, 2024.
Admin    May. 31, 2024

Mindoro State University (MinSU) conducted a Public Presentation and Forum to introduce and evaluate the five aspirants vying for the position of MinSU university president. The event held at MinSU-Main Campus, Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, May 29, 2024, served as a platform for the candidates to share their visions and plans for the future of MinSU.

Dr. Christian Anthony C. Agutaya, who has been serving as the Office-in-Charge (OIC) of the University for the past six months, gave the welcome remarks. In his message, he highlighted the multifaceted role of a university president. He stated that the role encompasses not only administrative duties but also one with vision, stewardship, and advocacy. Dr. Agutaya likewise emphasized that the position requires not just exemplary qualifications and experiences but also the embodiment of the values and aspirations that define MinSU.

Reflecting on his tenure as an OIC, he shared that he has witnessed firsthand the dedication and resilience of the faculty, staff, and students. "It was difficult, which is exactly why those six months have been meaningful – meaningful as it made me see how little hands that work together make even the most challenging tasks doable."

Towards the end of his message, he challenged the five aspirants to not only present their plans and strategies but also to demonstrate a deep understanding and appreciation of MinSU's values. In addition, he further urged the audience to actively participate in the process for it is only through collective wisdom and discernment that ensure the selection of a president who will embody the values and principles of MinSU.

Following Dr. Agutaya's remarks, Dr. Serafin L. Ngohayon, Chairperson of the MinSU Search Committee for the Presidency, presented the Statement of Purpose and outlined the mechanics of the Public Presentation and Forum. The event then transitioned into the heart of the program, where each of the five presidential aspirants presented their visions and strategies for MinSU's future.

Dr. Enya Marie Apostol focused her presentation on positioning MinSU as "a university of choice," with developmental goals encapsulated in the acronym LIFT MINSU: Leadership Excellence, Inclusivity, Fiscal Prudence, Technological Advancement, Management of Resources, Innovation, and Network of Collaborative Partnerships.

Dr. Zandra Maningas envisioned a "SMART university in the future" for MinSU, which stands for Sustainable, Modern, Adaptive, Resourceful, and Technologically-advanced.

Dr. Katherine P. Sanchez-Escalona focused on her goals dubbed #REACh Up #REACh Beyond, emphasizing a Resilient and Inclusive Academic Community, Enhancing University Programs, Administrative Excellence, and Championing the Land-Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP).

Dr. Rene M. Colocar introduced his framework entitled "RENEwed MinSU: The University of Great Opportunities," highlighting various opportunities for the university's growth.

Lastly, Dr. Nemesio H. Davalos presented his comprehensive plans for the development of MinSU, focusing on faculty and non-faculty members, curriculum and instructions, research, extension, production, and support for the Mangyan of Mindoro.

The presentation was followed by a two-part Q&A session. In the first round, sectoral representatives from the faculty, students, alumni, administration, and private sector posed same questions to each candidate. The second round involved a random question from the audience/public, which was picked from a tambiolo and answered by the aspirants.

In her closing message, Ms. Joelene C. Leynes, VP for Administration and Finance, highlighted the spirit of collaboration, collegiality, and inclusivity that characterized the search process.

"Throughout the search process, each voice was heard, each perspective was valued, and each contribution was acknowledged," she noted. Ms. Leynes emphasized that the search was not just about finding a president but reaffirming MinSU's collective commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and the transformative power of education.

"To the MinSU community, let us embark on our journey with renewed hope, determination, and optimism for the future of MinSU," she concluded.

The event was attended by MinSU Search Committee for Presidency, led by its Chairperson Dr. Ngohayon including Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, PASUC Representative; Atty. Ryan L. Estevez, DPA, CHED Representative; Mr. Enrique T. Magalay, Jr., Faculty Representative; Mr. Jerome B. Geniza, Student Representative; Ms. Flordime Siano, Private Sector Representative; and Secretariat Dr. Maricel B. Berdan and Dr. Genelita E. Hernandez. The MinSU Board of Regents, LGU representatives, partners, stakeholders, faculty, and students also joined the event.

The Public Presentation and Forum for the Search for MinSU Presidency was also streamed live on the MinSU Official Facebook Page @TheMinSUOfficial.


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